Section Three: Inspection and First Flights
KitLog Pro includes all the FAA forms and documents that are required at time of inspection.
Use these forms for a neat and clean presentation during the inspection process.
These forms are available in Adobe PDF format.

Weight and Balance Calculator:
This feature assists you with the initial weight and balance calculations when weighing the
aircraft prior to inspection. Enter factory specifications, arms, weights, and different scenarios.

The summary screen shows the empty weight totals, calculated center of gravity, scenarios
using defined arms, and more.


Test Flight Log:
This feature allows you to record precious test flight information. Enter the date, temperature,
total time, test area, description, altitude, climb, manifold, RPM, fuel flow, and more.

The summary screen shows the total amount of expenses that have been logged.
Sort your entries by date, brief description, category, vendor, cost, or tax.


To learn more about Section Four: Maintaining the Aircraft, click here.



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